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Printed Carrier Bags A Short History Blog Post

21st October 2019

Printed Carrier Bags A Short History

Printed Carrier Bags

Polythene was first created back in 1933 and so started the journey towards Celloplast, a swedish company creating the plastic carrier bag, much like the one we use today. 

Then in 1982 a number of large retailers replaced their paper bags with plastic and so began the widespread adoption of plastic bags, easy to carry and waterproof, they provided a solution for both retailers and customer. Carrier bags became a new marketing tool, they are a walking advertisement, many of them reused time and time again. They allow customers to share their values and choices with their peers without saying a word. Printed carrier bags have been valuable to businesses in so many ways.

Over the past 5 years the plastic carrier bags have had a more difficult relationship with consumers but as always problems lead to creative and innovative solutions, including materials that can disolve completely in hot water, printed carriers made from sugar cane and potato starch carrier bags that are fully compostable.

Businesses can continue to provide durable waterproof bags that are great value for money and carry their brand messages and logo along the high street and out into their customers homes and lives. 


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